In each individual soul there exists a burning need to be seen, to be known, to show ourselves as the being that we are. A being of light. Suppressed through the lives and living within a structured society, we begin to dim ourselves based on how others have reacted, how we have experienced times where we have dared to put our full selves forward. We diminish, yet often we do not even know from where or when this has occurred. We come to a point in our lives where we see that something is amiss. A feeling. A knowing.
This transcription is part of my knowing. It began as an inquiry into my own soul at a time when career and family life were at its highest. Yet something wasn't quite right. I could not place my finger on it; elusive, wanting to set fire to me but not sure how. I was not a spiritual being at this point in time. To be spiritual meant you attend church, ceremonies and the like; an action that I could not see the value of in my day-to-day life. As I progressed down the line of inquiry, the simple act of meditation created the space for me to ceremony, with myself. And with this inward focus, sitting with my own soul, a familiar and renowned Elder came to assist me. My first in a long series of guides that would come along my way. He came as a strong and steady figure to root me in my own knowing. Knowing that he was with me, from the other side, gave me strength to keep going, keep listening, keep believing.
When we come upon that place in time when we ask ourselves "what is it that I must do," we awaken a world of gifts within us that have been burning to come out to the light. They were buried at some point—many feel they had them all along yet I still cannot seem to find the time when I originally saw, felt and heard what I do now. The gifts come as a reminder of our power, the skill that we inherently all have, the skills that we have pushed aside for the dogma of society have told us it is simply imagination. But what if that gift is trying to tell us something? What if we are meant to be here to exert our influence through our God-given gifts for a greater purpose than we could ever imagine? Carry on reading, you shall see why.
The words that follow are a signal to all, that when we allow our power to be seen by our selves we can generate marvels upon marvels of experiences, knowledge, wisdom, when we let it flow. For me, the words were simply journal writings to start. My words flowed effortlessly as if they were already at the tip of my pen waiting to be written. Thoughts transferred immediately to the page, sometimes as my thoughts, and other times disparate in the form of intuition, inner voice or higher self.
And then began the words from somewhere else, not my own. I was instructed by the voice: "Write this down." I put what I was doing aside and sat to write. And once finished, "The End." It was clear, it was profound, it was not mine. It was relevant to me in what I was going through, but it also had much wiser and broader implications and application. I wrote frequently—my experiences, my dreams, the wisdom—in order to make sense of what did not at the time. A knowing that maybe one day it would. The words were profound, nothing which I could imagine or dream up much less transcribe to paper without one correction or thought to reframe. It came. And it came.
As I enquired through spiritual and metaphysical texts and teachers about the various experiences I was encountering on my journey I came to realize (and accept) that I, a modern-day woman, mother, and professional working and living a very typical life, was a conscious channeler. A bridge between physical and spiritual realms. In all cases when receiving this information I was conscious and aware of the process but not in control of the information that was being relayed. There was a unique tone, patter, and loving, benevolent nature to the transmission. And so I allowed and trusted in something I could not see but could feel and know deeply to be true.
Channeling is a form of communicating with, or receiving communication from, higher beings or consciousness and can occur naturally or during deep trance states. The person receiving information is often referred to as a vessel, container or vehicle through which messages are transmitted to, and information can come through automatic writing, or through voice.
Automatic writing, or psychography, involves writing without conscious thought. In a relaxed, trance-like state, words are allowed to flow onto paper without actively thinking about them.
With these two skills now taking a very present function in my life as I document and navigate my awakening spirit, I was not yet aware that these skills were paving the way to something much bigger than I could ever anticipate. The instructions, words, and guidance were bigger than me and my lonely individual journey. It was the making of words that are meant for the world to see and hear, benevolent, and cherishing of every one of our journeys. Together.
On November 6th, 2022 it became clear. My first book—The Soul's Journey to Love. It would take additional sessions sitting with this profound source of wisdom to learn that this was to be the first in a series of five books intended to assist people on their journeys of awakening and serving to provide clarity in why this awakening matters so much. To ourselves, to each other, to humanity as a whole. Ultimately, our lives depend on it. Our happiness depends on it.
I welcome you to read this with an open heart and open mind. Other sources of similar information exist, and I do not propose that this transmission is the sole source of truth and guidance. Transmissions are occurring through many vessels in order to reach humanity in the various stages each individual may be, and with information that is pertinent and relevant to them. References to God are meant to be all-encompassing of the higher power that various religions and cultures acknowledge to exist and having their own naming convention. Other terms—Source, Truth, Creator, or the All That Is—are as transcribed.
As clear as the instructions were to write, the time to publish was made equally clear. With this first book, my soul burns bright once again with the knowing of what it is capable of. Let this knowing help you along the way, giving you the wisdom and faith to keep going until you have achieved all that you are meant to.
May I be of service. May I be the channel that guides people home. To themselves.
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